Friday, November 30, 2007

More stuff we forgot to add about the jungle trip ...

Hmm as you can tell we REALLY really liked our 2 weeks from Los Piedras. Some stuff I forgot to mention in the first blog is below ...

  • Frog Chorus .. seriously this was incredible (and we did have a sound clip which some langar from Cork accidently deleted from the camera ... sigh). We stood on the edge of the swamp one night after rain and the chorus of frogs was so loud we had to talk loudly to hear each other. It was deafening and it was cool when we saw the frogs which did make the sound as they had these massive puffed out air sacs to help them make this sound.
  • Rain on the way - its really very special to lie in a hammock in the hunidity and listen to a storm approaching. You know its really near when ya can hear all the rain drops on the forest canopy and its just gets louder and louder until it reaches ya. Not so nice if your out in the jungle and have to walk back!
  • Falling trees ... lots of this happens this time of year as the ground gets soft and the winds in storms knock anything unstable over.
  • Mosquito whines, and bats! ahh the pleasure of hearing a mossie whine near your mossie net and then a bat flutter and then no more mossie whine!

Other stuff

  • Bats ... we saw heaps of these. Some had really pretty faces NOT especially the ones that flew out of the termite nest on a tree.
  • Turtles ... saw a few of these too ... poor sods get an awful time from the mossies.
  • Frogs ... think my favorites are the clown frogs!
  • Snakes. Saw a small snake trying to swallow a frog one night ... really cool
  • Opposum .. saw a cool little fella one night!
  • Brazil nuts come from a BIG shell .. if it fell and hit ya on the head then that would be the end. Be kind of ironic to get nailed by a brazil nut when there´s so much other dangerous stuff out there!
  • Dunk climbed the platform and was watched by Howler monkeys - that was very special!!
  • Banana mash called Taracha (I think) which we had in Puerto Maldonado. Made from green bananas, bbq´d then mashed with pork rind and fat (very healthy for the heart) - yummo!
  • Peccaries (small black bush pigs that eat nuts) - good god they smell awful, sound weird (make this clacking noise) and travel in large groups that can be dangerous so you need to be able to climb trees just in case they attack!

Ok there`s heaps more great stuff that we saw, did, heard, smelt, learnt, etc but its lunchtime here so the rest you will just have to go and experience yourself!

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