Ok we need to learn Spanish FAST. First encounter with no english speaking person was of course the demented taxi driver we got from Madrid airport to Madrid city centre (via all the suburbs outside of madrid). He asks us where we´re going so we show him a piece of paper with the address and a map of the nearest large streets clearly marked then sticks its into his GPS (which was directly in front of his head - dunno how he saw anything but tahts another story), then off we head to some unpronounceable madrid suburb. We get there, he cant find the street, meanwhile were thinking hang on this is a VERY small city centre so we show him the address again. After about 15 mins of arsing about, asking locals etc he asks us are we sure the hotel is in dfjghdfghdajk and we´re like NO its in Madrid (you clown). So he gets pissed off with us at which point I did want to strangle the braindead first time ever in a taxi muppet. Why do new taxi drivers INSIST on doing airport trips - grrrrrr. Eventually we did find the hotel after he finally managed to find the centre by GPS - hopefully the dumbo is still trying to find his way back to the airport for next unsuspecting victim.
Aside from that Madrid was good fun altho jaysus the smoke is awful. Just about everything that moves including the dogs (which leave plenty poo smells in the small narrow streets) has a fag dangling at all times. Dunk reckoned the coffee was awesome and so did I altho didn´t have too much! The beer was either very cheap or very expensive if ya got caught in a touristy place which we figured out quickly enough. Number one backpacking skill has been rediscovered!!! Visited the palace, did the bus tour and admired all the really funky architecture (even tho some of the palace rooms had the tackiest decor ever). Also the pastries are awesome and so are the tostados! and the ham Dunk says!
Next headed to Madrid aiport by Metro (for 4 eur about 20 times cheaper and easier then the taxi langar) to be told we were on standby cos the flight was overbooked. Not very impressed but we managed to be the first on standby so did get a seat. Arrived into Lima last night. First impressions of Lima from the bus to the hostel was pretty intimidating place to arrive at night so we just stayed in the hostal (really nice place called Mami Panchita, they picked us up and dropped us to the airport which was great as didn´t really have the brains to fight Lima transport after the 12 hour flight). We now in Cusco.
First impressions are that its great - really nice, friendly place. Even the street sellers go away after 4 ´No por favor´s! Staying in a lovely hostal called El Grial Hotel on a really narrow cobblestone street. Got a HUGE lunch for about 2 euros so happy out now. The altitiude is knocking us about a bit - must start walking slower :) Right off for a beer now - must practise for Colin and Tara´s arrival on Wed!
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